How are cat neuter surgeries performed? - The Drake Center
They’re generally performed the same way as the cat spay. The cat will be under a short-acting general anesthetic so that they do not feel any pain or feel anything going on during the surgery, and we're also going to use post-op pain medication for them. The recovery is quite simple and, by that afternoon, the cat will probably be ready to start playing again.
How are cat spay surgeries performed? - The Drake Center
Cat spays are done under general anesthetic so that the cat does not feel anything, of course. We do the cat spays aseptically to make sure the cat won’t get any infections. A spay is done by making an incision into the abdomen and removing the ovaries and the uterus, closing it up surgically, and then recovering and using some post-op pain medication so that the kitty does not have any discomfort during or after the procedure.
Is there a medication to prevent my dog from getting intestinal parasites? - The Drake Center
Yeah. Regular deworming is what we recommend, and the CDC recommends it. All veterinary organizations recommend a series of deworming treatments for puppies and then for adults to use a regular deworming product. Remember that about five percent of all dog fecals that we send in have parasites. Five percent is pretty high. For that reason, we recommend that all dogs have a preventative deworming protocol onboard all the time.
Can any intestinal parasites be passed on to people? - The Drake Center
Yeah. There's a couple of parasites that are quite scary. Roundworm and hookworm can be transmitted to humans, and we never want children to be exposed to parasites. As veterinarians, we’re also concerned about your family's health. We make sure that there are no parasites and no one in the family would ever be exposed to them, so please come in and let us help you figure out the best deworming for all your animals in your household, and let us know about the ones that live outside. Sometimes people have an outdoor cat, and they fail to mention that, but that would mean a chronic source of parasites that the family can be exposed to.
How can I keep my cat from passing on intestinal parasites to other pets in the household? - The Drake Center
By using a regular deworming protocol that your veterinarian recommends, as that will keep them from transmitting it between pets, and we don't want them transmitted to people, so that's the best way to go.
Is there medication to prevent my cat from getting intestinal parasites? - The Drake Center
We have excellent medications these days. Like I said, if your cat's an outdoor cat, we're going to want them on medication once a month. If they're an indoor cat only, we may use medication once or twice a year.
What can I do to prevent tapeworm? - The Drake Center
Tapeworm is transmitted by fleas and flea dirt and flea eggs, so we want to keep fleas 100% under control, and therefore your cat will not pick up tapeworms.
Can my indoor cat still get intestinal parasites? - The Drake Center
It’s not likely that your indoor cat will pick them up, but we have found cats that have lived in households for up to two years, and they bring in a fecal, and they still are positive. The reality of it is, parasites can be pretty tenacious. The products that we use for deworming are safe and effective, and every cat should be dewormed a minimum of once a year, even if they're an indoor cat.
How does my cat get intestinal parasites? - The Drake Center
Cats can get intestinal parasites, and they can be transmitted in utero. When the kitten is still in the mother's uterus, they can be passed through the placenta, or after they're born, they can pick them up from other cats in the household, the mom, or from a humane society. They can also get internal parasites when they go outside, and they're out and about, as they can pick them up from other cats.