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What is a sign my cat has heartworm? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Weight loss, open mouth breathing, coughing and labored breathing, and often vomiting. Cats tend to vomit with many different diseases. Cats develop symptoms much earlier than dogs because the immature stages arrive in the lungs earlier than in dogs. Dog symptoms are more geared towards adult worms being present. It's the immature stages, the earlier stages, that cause problems in a cat. Sometimes a few worms will make it to adulthood, and that's not a good scenario when that happens.

Contributed by Ashly LaRoche DVM from

How does my cat’s lifestyle affect their risk for heartworm? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Cats that roam and are outside more are a little more at risk of becoming infected with heartworm. It's much less than the risk of a dog. Even so, because heartworm disease is invariably fatal for a cat if it reaches maturity, prevention is paramount.

Contributed by Ashly LaRoche DVM from

What is the cycle of a heartworm, and how will this information be beneficial to my cat? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

The heartworm cycle in a cat is when a mosquito bites the cat and injects a baby worm into the cat’s skin. These worms then migrate through the skin into the bloodstream, and they arrive at the lungs, and that's when all the damage is done. Months later, when the worms start arriving at the lungs, the cat develops an intense inflammatory reaction to destroy these worms before they continue to mature. The cat has these asthma-like symptoms—coughing, open mouth breathing, vomiting, and labored breathing in general.

Contributed by Ashly LaRoche DVM from

Can a cat pass on heartworm to another pet, or person? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

No, all heartworms have to go into a mosquito for part of their life cycle before being transmitted to another animal.

Contributed by Ashly LaRoche DVM from

What is an internal parasite? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

It's a parasite that lives inside. A mosquito injects these worms into the body of the cat, and it migrates toward the lungs.

Contributed by Ashly LaRoche DVM from
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