What is cat heartworm disease? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Cat heartworm is an internal parasite that causes significant lung damage. Cats become infected by being bit by mosquitoes.

Contributed by Ashly LaRoche DVM from

Can my cat get a microchip during their spay or neuter? - The Drake Center

Yes, your cat can get a microchip anytime, but certainly during the spay and neuter time is quite often when we do them.

Contributed by Michele Drake DVM, CVA from

How long does a cat spay or neuter take? - The Drake Center

Once the animal's prepped for surgery, we can have a cat spay done in less than 20 minutes. Cat neuters can usually be done in less than five minutes, but there's the prep time, surgery time, and then the post-op care. We pride ourselves on our post-op care, keeping your patient warm and pain-free, and monitoring them closely as they recover from the anesthesia.

Contributed by Michele Drake DVM, CVA from

Are there any complications to a spay or neuter surgery? - The Drake Center

The most common and very benign complication we see with the spay is sometimes there'll be a slight reaction to the suture that we use. There might be a tiny bump at that site, which will go away over a matter of a couple of weeks. It's extremely rare to have any kind of complication from a spay or neuter in a cat. I can't even think of one happening here in our hospital ever.

Contributed by Michele Drake DVM, CVA from

Will spaying or neutering be painful for my cat? - The Drake Center

These days, we use such good pain medication, as it’s safe and effective for cats. There's no reason for any cat or dog ever to have discomfort.

Contributed by Michele Drake DVM, CVA from
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