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Ashly LaRoche DVM


Dr. LaRoche was born in Kankakee, IL and grew up throughout the Midwest, including Minnesota, Iowa and Ohio. She attended Augustana College in Rock Island, IL and later attended veterinary school at the University of Illinois, where she met and married her husband, Paul. After moving to Michigan, Ashly practiced mixed-animal medicine for ten years before moving to North Carolina in June, 2007. They moved here to enjoy the warmer weather and, as she states, to “join the wonderful, supportive staff of the animal Hospital of Statesville”.

Ashly is so much fun to work with – you just never know what she’s going to say! She loves watching old westerns (her father ran a movie theatre) and gets into ghost hauntings and interesting topics like Sasquatch and the like. A font of useful (and NOT so useful) knowledge, she can hold her own on any subject! Ashly and Paul have a daughter, Claire. The family enjoys their pets – Hook and Pan (Beagles), and a dove,. She’s also added chickens to her menagerie, which provide fresh eggs to many in her work family! Her family loves to hike, camp and just be together.

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