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Is my personal information available with a dog microchip? - Advanced Animal Care

Only if the company will be contacted. So you are nice and secure knowing that your dog just has their own personal number and that your contact info is only with that microchip company.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

What is the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool, and how does it work? - Advanced Animal Care

It's a tool that we can use that we basically can go onto AAHA's website and enter in that microchip number. There are a lot of different microchip companies out there. HomeAgain is just one of them. And so by being able to enter that in, we can identify what company that it originates from because every number is different as far as usually the first three digits. So it'll allow whoever's looking at that number to know what company to contact, to better get in touch with you.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

What information is provided with a dog microchip? - Advanced Animal Care

The only information that you're going to get is a number. When we take our scanner here and scan a dog, the scanner will only reflect the number of the microchip itself. So it's a few-digit number, so it’s not a phone number or anything, but that is associated with Jess Remy here. That's his personal number.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

Can anyone with a scanner access my contact information from my dog’s microchip? - Advanced Animal Care

So no, not quite, as you do have to have a universal microchip scanner. Again, it’s a number that they're scanning. They're not going to be able to access your contact info just from that.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

How do I know who gets the information from my dog’s microchip? - Advanced Animal Care

Overall, they're pretty secure. Even though your dog has a microchip, it does not have a direct association with your contact information. So it is just going to be a number. And then once you get that long number, you have to contact the microchip company in order to get more information. It’s not going to be readily available to someone. They're going to have to put in a little bit of effort to find that. You want to ensure that information is up to date, but the microchip company will be the only ones that have access to that. And then they have to have someone prove to them that they found your dog or anything in order to share that information or the microchip company themselves will try to contact you.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from
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