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Does a microchip ensure my dog will be found?

Does a microchip ensure my dog will be found? - Advanced Animal Care

It doesn't ensure it. As with anything else, it depends on the honesty of the finder. Unfortunately, if the finder decides that they want to keep your dog, that will deter things. But if you have an honest person who wants to help reunite the dog, then if they bring them into a shelter or a vet clinic, it can be easily scanned, which greatly increases your dog's chances of going home.

If a dog is lost and they have slipped their collar and they have no other form of ID, you're relying upon social media or posters around the area to try and help get the word out there that your dog is missing. The majority of the dogs that are microchipped return home simply because of that form of ID. There are some other perks to microchipping, as people can send out the lost and found flyers, and they'll also send out emails to local veterinarians and even local people in the area so they can be on the watch for your dog.

Does a microchip ensure my dog will be found? - Checkout Veterinary

There are no promises. If dogs get lost, they can end up in places where we never find them. But if your dog is found, preferably alive, or if something terrible happened to them, at least you'll have some peace of mind knowing that if your dog is available to come back to you, they will find their way back home. Hopefully, anybody that finds the dog will take them to a veterinarian or a shelter that can scan that dog and help them find their way back home again.

Does a microchip ensure my dog will be found? - Haywood Animal Hospital

Microchipping your pet increases the chance of them being returned to you if they are lost and found. If your pet is picked up by someone and brought to a shelter or an animal hospital, they will be scanned, and the microchip information will be obtained. The next step is ensuring that the microchip number is registered to you. If your pet has been microchipped but not registered, the chances of them being returned to you are lower. However, if the microchip is registered to you and your pet is found and scanned, they will be returned to you.

Does a microchip ensure my dog will be found? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

A microchip doesn't guarantee that your dog will be found. However, as long as your contact information is up to date and whoever finds the pet takes them to an animal hospital, shelter, or rescue, it increases the likelihood of your dog being returned to you.

Does the microchip ensure my dog will be found - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

No, a microchip does not guarantee that your dog will be found. If your dog gets lost and is injured, attacked, or passes away, and nobody finds them, we unfortunately cannot return them to you. However, if a friendly dog is found roaming around without identification, most people will take them to a shelter or vet's office. The first thing they'll do is check for a microchip, which can then help locate you, the owner.