How do I know if the food I'm giving my dog is making them sick? - Advanced Animal Care
Suppose they had a bite of people food, and you've noticed maybe they're just not feeling a hundred percent. In that case, their activity levels are down a little bit, or perhaps you see things like vomiting, diarrhea, or even changes in the consistency of their stool. That might be an indication that whatever you fed them isn’t agreeing with them. You can also notice those things if you change from one dog food brand to the other too fast. So that's why we always recommend a slow transition when you're changing foods.
Can I feed my dog human food? - Advanced Animal Care
I don't recommend it, but you can give them some human food. You might consider things like apples, green beans, and steamed carrots. Also, we sometimes recommend offering your pet boiled chicken and white rice if they have some GI upset. So there is sometimes a need or recommendation for it, but I wouldn't feed your dog the fat from your steak, a piece of bacon, chicken bones, or anything like that.
How do I know what foods are toxic to dogs? - Advanced Animal Care
That's a good question. There is a whole bunch of food out there that's toxic to dogs, and some of them are the common ones that people think of, like chocolate. Some are not readily thought of, though, like onions and garlic, or even things like grapes and raisins can be quite toxic. The best place to go is the ASPCA website. You can look it up on Google, and they have an easy-to-access list of foods that you shouldn’t feed to dogs because they are toxic, and cats too.
Can preventive care save my dog’s life? - Family Pet Veterinary Center
Yes, preventative care can definitely save your dog's life. Heartworm disease is potentially fatal, especially if they do have it severely, and these tick diseases as well. Some of them are quite severe if left unchecked.
Is preventive care less expensive than treatment? - Family Pet Veterinary Center
Yes, in most instances, it’s much cheaper. For example, heartworm treatment is usually in the thousands of dollars, whereas monthly prevention is maybe around $10 to $15. Then with our tick prevention, that does prevent some tick-borne diseases as well, which can also cause some very serious diseases and costly bills just to diagnose them.
How does preventive care help my dog in all stages of life? - Family Pet Veterinary Center
Preventative care is critical to have, especially starting with young puppies. When they’re young, the good thing about heartworm prevention is that it treats intestinal parasites as well, which is very common with younger puppies. Then as they get older, it's vital to keep them from getting anything that might worsen other diseases, as well, such as parasites.
Will dog preventive care keep my dog flea and tick-free? - Family Pet Veterinary Center
Yup that is the goal. Of course, there are always resistant types of fleas. But with our new products, we have seen excellent results, and we haven't had any resistance yet.