What if my cat is difficult to give medications to, how do I know they took it? - Advanced Animal Care
So cats are a little tricky because, as you can see, they're squirmy. So what can help is having a blanket here. And so you can help to contain their legs a little bit, make them a little less squirmy so that just their head's sticking out, not hurting the cat whatsoever. Still, it does allow you to get a little bit better of a grip on them and kind of help prevent them from squirming around with all those legs and slashing around with their claws.
You should slowly give cats liquid medication. A lot of the liquids are not formulated for cats to like the taste of them. Some of them can foam at the mouth and try to spit them out. So give it to them slowly, making sure they have a nice tasty food afterward or some water to wash it down with will help. And then also ensure that you are keeping your eye on the cat afterward if you're trying to do a pill so that your cat isn't spitting it out to the side of their mouth.
What is the best way for me to give my cat medication? - Advanced Animal Care
Miss Thing here is not too keen about the food. She's not one to believe us that it's not going to have medication in it. And so you can try doing some cheese or even doing some canned food for those who are more of a fan of food. But if not, you can certainly use a pill popper, as they will not only prevent your cat from hopefully spitting out the pill, but they could also help you not to have your finger bitten or potentially scratched in the meantime. So you'll just place the pill down in the pill popper, and then you'll open your cat's mouth and pop it down their throat.If your cat is a foodie, the best way to give medicine to a cat is to try and hide it in food. As you can see,
What are the medications that my veterinarian can prescribe if my cat is in pain? - Advanced Animal Care
So as far as that goes, we can prescribe some types of medications that are hopefully going to be a liquid because I know it's a little easier, but we have some pills as well. We have NSAIDS that are specifically made and formulated for cats. Those are going to be a lot safer for them, especially whenever it comes to their kidneys. And we are also going to be able to provide some other pain medications like gabapentin, which you kind of run into the same situation with that as far as the cat being so small, that getting an accurate human dose is a little bit hard. Many times we will have those made into liquid medications.
Are there any human medications that are safe for cats? - Advanced Animal Care
There are. There are some antihistamines that you can give to cats. And there are also things that we routinely use, such as antibiotics, antifungals, and things like that. But you certainly want to consult with your veterinarian before you give them because cats are such sensitive beings.
Can I give aspirin or NSAIDS to my cat? - Advanced Animal Care
No, cats are very sensitive whenever it comes to NSAIDs, and if you give too many of them, or if you're not getting the correct dosing or the correct type, you can cause kidney failure in your cat. They have very delicate kidneys.
How long do the benefits of dog laser therapy typically last? - Advanced Animal Care
So it varies, as it depends on what you're using it for, but most of the time, we're going to be using it for something like arthritis. We generally start out doing the procedure as far as the cold laser therapy about every few days for the first couple of weeks. So your dog is usually in here at least every other day, or at least a couple of times a week to help get started. But then we found that once we can get the inflammation under control, laser therapy once a week, or even down to once a month, can still be beneficial.
How does laser therapy provide pain relief for dogs? - Advanced Animal Care
It's all about inflammation. Just as we can take some Advil or use the heating pad or the ice packs to help decrease inflammation in our bodies, laser therapy for dogs does the same type of thing. The inflammation is all of what we're targeting with that and helping to decrease that and make these dogs a lot more comfortable faster.