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How much exercise is needed for each life stage of my dog? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

On average, most dogs need at least 20 minutes of robust exercise a day. For puppies, it's better to break that up into two or three increments of 10 minutes or more a day. Senior dogs generally need the same amount of exercise, but it can be broken up into two sessions of 10 minutes each. Keep an eye on their signs and any pain or arthritis. However, as a rule, 20 minutes per day is a good estimate for most dogs.

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What is the best way to exercise my dog? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

There are many ways to exercise your dog. Simple activities like going out in the backyard and throwing the ball can be beneficial. If possible, try to take them on a 20-minute walk, run or hike. You can also use food puzzles or hide treats around the yard as these can be great ways to encourage them to exercise.

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why is exercise such a crucial part of dog wellness? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Exercise is crucial because it forms the basis for keeping our dogs healthy. It helps keep every one of their muscles and organs healthier by reducing the amount of fat around those organs, keeping their joints healthy, and providing great mental stimulation.

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Can regular cleaning of my dog’s eyes prevent eye issues? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Regular use of formulated dog eye wipes can help keep the eyes clean. However, under normal circumstances, most dogs don't need any additional cleaning- their bodies can take care of it.

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What should I do if I notice my dog is losing their sight? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

If you notice that your dog is losing their sight, you should contact us immediately. Sight loss can be part of normal aging, or it could indicate a more serious issue. Keeping a journal about how quickly the sight loss is progressing and noting if they can navigate around furniture or stairs, or if they're bumping into things, can be helpful for the veterinarian.

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What are some causes of dog blindness? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Blindness in dogs can be caused by various conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, thickening of the lens known as nucleus sclerosis, a rare condition called SARS where the retina is attacked by the immune system, or high blood pressure.

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Is there such a thing as a vision test for dogs? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Yes, a dog's vision can be tested by an ophthalmologist, a specialty dog doctor who focuses on eyes. The test can measure whether or not there's any eyesight, but we can't conclusively determine the exact vision quality.

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