What should I bring to the hospital with me if my cat is having an emergency? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Important information depends on if your pet has been exposed to something, if there's anything toxic that they've been exposed to or any medications they're currently on. If you don't already have a list of that, it would be good just to have it on hand. Just like you would for a person, bring information about any prior medical problems and any medications they're on as well as any medical pertinent information that we may not have. With toxins like rat poisoning or whatever, there are different ingredients, and knowing those ingredients can help us treat the pet, so bring the box if you have it or anything that relates to the ingredients.

Contributed by Nichola Gaither from

How will I know if my cat can be seen right away in an emergency? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

That depends on the hospital. It's best to call, and you can call when you're on the way in a true emergency. That way the clinic can let you know if they have the staff available to best care for your pet. Sometimes we have five emergencies at one time, and while we'd like to be able to help everyone, it may be best for your pet to go elsewhere to get care because we just can't handle that many at one time. So if we do send you somewhere, there is a reason for doing that.

Contributed by Nichola Gaither from

What happens when my cat arrives at the hospital during an emergency? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Initially, if we don't know you as a regular patient or client we might get some basic information about the age of your pet and whether they are on any medications or have any prior health concerns. Then we will get a history of the immediate emergency, what your concerns are, what may have happened, and what you think could have happened before assessing the pet and providing whatever emergency care might be needed based on their symptoms.

Contributed by Nichola Gaither from

Who can I contact regarding possible cat poisoning? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

You can call Poison Control, though they do charge a fee. Alternatively, you can call your vet. Make sure to provide as much information about the product your cat may have ingested to help the vet determine the best course of action. The most commonly used Poison Control number will be posted in the video. Remember, in any health emergency with your cat, it's important to seek help from a professional, such as an emergency animal hospital.

Contributed by Nichola Gaither from

How can I find out quickly if my cat has ingested something poisonous? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

If you see that a product is missing or open, or there are open liquids in the area your cat was in, your cat may have ingested something poisonous. Symptoms of poisoning can include excessive drooling or vomiting.

Contributed by Nichola Gaither from
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