What does cat preventive care mean? - Four Paws At Fulshear
Preventative care is exactly like it is for humans. It involves taking your cat for an annual exam every year, and possibly twice a year when they're older. It includes managing conditions they may already have and paying attention to changes in their behavior. The primary goal of preventative care is to prevent disease or to catch it in the early stages when it's more manageable, treatable, or curable.
What should I do if I notice my adult dog becoming less active? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
Definitely give us a call. We can make sure they don't have any signs of arthritis or pain in their knees and their hips specifically, but we do see some issues in their elbows as well. Sometimes we need to make a food change, but either way, definitely let us know and we'll get them in and help you figure out what's going on.
What types of activities are good for training my dog? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
With training, you always want to use positive reinforcement and you want to try and make it fun. So, whether that is basic training or more advanced, we want to initially train them with food and almost hand commands. Use treats to encourage them to do well and then give lots and lots of praise after they've accomplished those things.
What can I do to keep my dog active or out of trouble when I'm not home? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
First of all, crate training your dog can be really helpful, or at least keeping them in an enclosed area where they feel safe. Within that area, giving them a food puzzle to do, as long as they have no food allergies, giving them peanut butter that's frozen and a Kong can be really great. Just things to keep them mentally stimulated while you're gone are great.
What are some great indoor dog games to play? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
Same thing, you can still do those nose games indoors. You can have them either sit and watch you where you put those treats, especially when you're first doing these games, or put them out into a different room to make it a little bit more challenging once they're used to that. You can also give them a food puzzle. You can get these on Amazon and put their food inside it and they can work to get it out. Those are some really good things that you can do.
What are some great outdoor dog games to play? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
Some really good outdoor dog games to play would be things like nose games. You can get one of their favorite treats and have them sit inside while you go put treats around the various backyard and they can go look for them, which is a really fun thing for them to do. You can also even play hide and seek with your dog, they really like that. Of course, going on walks, hikes, those kinds of things can be great. Overall, just interacting with your dog in general and positive reinforcement with treats is really great as well.
What is heart failure in dogs? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
Heart failure in dogs occurs when both the right-sided and left-sided heart disease are present. It typically starts on the left side and progresses to the right. When the entire heart is enlarged, it is considered complete heart failure.
How do you treat an enlarged heart? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
The first step in treating an enlarged heart is getting x-rays, ideally followed by an ultrasound from a cardiologist. There are several medications available that can help the heart not to work so hard, reduce any fluid buildup, and provide general support.
Can diet affect my dog’s heart health? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
Yes, diet can absolutely affect a dog's heart health. Recent studies have shown that grain-free foods have led to increased heart sizes in dogs. This is often due to a lack of amino acids and other nutrients. Therefore, it's crucial to discuss an appropriate diet with your vet.
What is dog cardiomyopathy? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital
Cardiomyopathy is essentially disease or inflammation of the heart. It can affect any side or all sides of the heart and is related to the heart not functioning correctly.