Are there risks associated with the treatment for each stage of heartworm? - Advanced Animal Care

There are, but I think, the risks of some injection site soreness or having to do some exercise restriction or things like that with your dog are far better than treating your pet for the disease unless they have many other underlying conditions. But for the most part, I think it's much better to prevent than treat your pet for the disease.

Contributed by Cara Hill DVM from

What are the complications of heartworm disease in dogs? - Advanced Animal Care

The biggest one is that heartworm disease can kill your pet. That's why a lot of veterinarians or almost all veterinarians are so adamant about heartworm prevention—it is a disease that can kill.

Contributed by Cara Hill DVM from

Can my indoor dog get heartworm? - Advanced Animal Care

If a mosquito can get into your house, then your pet can get heartworm.

Contributed by Cara Hill DVM from

What is the cycle of heartworm, and how will this information be beneficial to the treatment of my dog? - Advanced Animal Care

As I said, we have the adult heartworm, and then we have some larval stages. And so often, when you think of heartworm and talk to your veterinarian, we're talking to you a lot about heartworm prevention. And what we're trying to do with that prevention is kill the larval stage of that heartworm so that it never develops into an adult worm that lives in the heart. Whereas when we diagnose a pet with heartworm disease, it's because we're picking up those adult worm antigens that are living in the heart or maybe the pulmonary vessels—the vessels going to the lungs. And we do a separate protocol for the treatment of those adult worms.

Contributed by Cara Hill DVM from

How common are heartworms in dogs? - Advanced Animal Care

I probably see, on average here, at least between 10 and 20 cases a year. So that might not seem like a lot, but to me, it's significant. Especially with the river being right here because, of course, heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes, so where you've got lots of water, you've got lots of mosquitoes.

Contributed by Cara Hill DVM from

Can a dog pass on heartworm to another pet or person? - Advanced Animal Care

Indirectly, yes. It's not like if a dog with heartworm disease touches another dog that they'll instantly pass that heartworm disease. But the adult heartworms are producing larval or baby heartworms. We call that microfilaria that can be picked up by a mosquito and transmitted to another pet.

Contributed by Cara Hill DVM from

If one pet in the household has ticks, will the others get bitten? - Advanced Animal Care

It's possible. Ticks don't discriminate. So once they take a blood meal from one pet and digest that, they may go over to you or another pet for another meal.

Contributed by Cara Hill DVM from
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