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Can my indoor dog get heartworm?

Can my indoor dog get heartworm? - Advanced Animal Care

If a mosquito can get into your house, then your pet can get heartworm.

Can my indoor dog get heartworm? - Carolina Value Pet Care

Absolutely. Obviously, we're not going to have nearly the amount of mosquito problems inside somebody's house unless you have kids going in and out all the time or the dog's going outside, or you have a doggie door, for example, where they have a little trap door where the mosquitoes can come in. But indoor dogs can get them because mosquitoes can get in the house. Granted, there's not going to be near the risk inside the house as going outside, but it's still a risk. I know very few dogs that don't go outside. There is that one rare dog that never ever goes outside, but guess what? If you bring them to a veterinary clinic, that's going outside. Keep in mind the more time a dog spends outside, the greater the risk of exposure because the more frequent mosquito bites can get. Hopefully, that'll give you some information about heartworms. If there's one thing I want you to take away from this, it's mosquitoes, mosquitoes, mosquitoes. That's the only way they can get the disease.

Can my indoor dog get heartworm? - Haywood Animal Hospital

Yes. Believe it or not, your indoor dog can get it. Mosquitoes do prefer room temperature, so when it's hot, we all see mosquitoes go into our house as we open the door, so even indoor dogs are at risk.

Can my indoor dog get heartworm? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

Yes, even indoor dogs can get heartworms, as well as cats. Mosquitoes can still be found indoors, so there is still a risk for indoor dogs. It is much easier to prevent than to treat heartworm disease, so it is recommended to keep your dog on prevention year-round, regardless of whether they are indoor-only, inside-outside, or outside-only.

Can my indoor dog get heartworm? - Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital

Yes, definitely. Even in places like Florida where we have mosquitoes indoors, dogs can still be affected by heartworms even if they stay inside all the time.