Can my dog still have ticks if there are no signs of them? - Advanced Animal Care
Yeah, sometimes they're tiny and hard to find. So even though you might not see a big, fat, obvious sucker right on your dog’s nose doesn't mean that they're not there.
What can I look for if I suspect my dog has ticks? - Advanced Animal Care
Looking for the tick itself is going to be a big thing. Making sure that you have your pet on a preventative to try to prevent them, to kill that tick if they do bite your pet is going to be the best thing. But if you're concerned that they may have had a tick and developed a tick-borne disease, then testing at the veterinary hospital would be the way to go.
Is there a test to diagnose tick-borne diseases? - Advanced Animal Care
There is. We use the IDEX SNAP 4Dx here in the clinic, and it tests for heartworm disease and the common tick-borne diseases that we see in this area. So we commonly use it to also test for heartworm disease.
How do veterinarians find ticks on dogs? - Advanced Animal Care
We find ticks on dogs just the same way you guys do. Many times, we're looking for the tick themselves. We'll just run our hands over their bodies, see if we can feel anything. Owners will often think they’re tiny nodules or masses or things like that, and once we get a closer look, sometimes we realize they're a tick.
If one pet in the household has fleas, will the others get them? - Advanced Animal Care
Generally, the answer to that is yes. Fleas don't discriminate, so you want to make sure that all your pets are protected.