If my cat is diagnosed with fleas and ticks what is the treatment to get rid of them? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

Fleas and ticks are easily preventable with prescription products. There are no specific non-prescription products that I'm familiar with that work effectively. In fact, I've seen them all fail. There are many available to you, and all you have to do is talk to your veterinarian, and he'll definitely help you out.

What are the treatments associated with those diseases? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

Most of the diseases that come from fleas and ticks are treated with antibiotics and some with antiparasitic drugs. The bottom line is that, especially with fleas, they're so bad, but ticks here in Kansas transmit a lot of diseases. Prevention is much better than a cure.

What diseases are associated with fleas and ticks? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

There's a list of about eight that I'm familiar with, including anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, rickettsioses, feline infectious anemia, borreliosis, and the list goes on. If you're really interested in specific diseases, you can always search that out, but the bottom line is that they come from fleas and ticks, and flea and tick prevention is really becoming very scientific, and prescription products are very effective.

What are some things I can do to help extend the length of my dog’s life? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

The most important thing you can do is not let your senior dog get fat. When your dog is seen for annual visits by his veterinarian, the very first thing the veterinarian's going to do before he ever even touches your dog is doing a body score. He does that by touching your dog's ribs and feeling his waist in front of his hips and behind his ribcage. He will tell you what the dog's body score is from one to nine. Both four and five are normal body scores, and if you keep your dog in that normal range of four or five versus a six, we have scientific proof at this point that that will extend his life by a couple of years.

What activities and training can I do with my senior dog? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

The most important thing with your senior dog is to keep a regular schedule. His muscle mass is, to a large extent, what will impact his longevity, so if he stays active and mobile during his senior years, it will increase his lifespan.

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