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Will spaying or neutering be painful for my cat? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

As they are surgeries, pain is expected. However, proper analgesics and pain management during the perioperative period can help lessen the pain. The goal is to prevent pain from happening as much as possible.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

Will my cat require anesthesia for the surgery? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Yes, general anesthesia is required for both cat neuter and spay surgeries as they are invasive procedures.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

How are cat neuter surgeries performed? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Cat neuter surgeries involve removing the testicles through a scrotal incision over the scrotal area of a cat.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

how are cat spay surgeries performed? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Cat spay surgeries involve an ovario-hysterectomy, which means removing the ovaries and the uterus. The procedure is done under general anesthesia in a sterile surgical suite.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

Why is my dog scooting their butt on the ground? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

When a dog scoots on its butt, it usually means they have an itchy bottom. The cause could be as simple as a dirty bottom or something more complex like allergies or issues with their anal sacs. If you're concerned about your dog's scooting behavior, consult your veterinarian for advice and potential treatment options.

If you have any questions about your dog's hygiene or tooth brushing, we recommend reaching out to your veterinarian or contacting Blue Oasis Pet Hospital if you're in the area.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

How do I get my dog used to getting groomed? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Starting early in your dog's life is always best, but if you adopt an older dog, you can still train them to accept grooming and nail trimming by keeping sessions short and using food rewards. Gradually introduce your dog to having their feet lifted, and consider having an assistant help during the process. Over time, this will build trust and make grooming easier.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

What is a sanitary haircut, and why would my dog need it? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

A sanitary haircut involves removing excess hair around a dog's bottom (anus) and, for female dogs, around the vulva. This helps keep these areas clean and prevents matting or soiling of the hair.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

How do I brush my dog’s teeth? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Starting when your dog is young is the best approach. Choose a toothbrush designed for dogs or a small children's toothbrush, and use a pet toothpaste without fluoride, as it can be toxic if swallowed. Focus on brushing the outside surfaces of your dog's teeth and be prepared for some licking during the process, which is normal. Begin with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as your dog becomes more comfortable.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Ideally, you should brush your dog's teeth once or twice a day, just like you would with your own teeth. Dogs have teeth similar to ours and need regular care to maintain their oral health. Daily tooth brushing is the best way to achieve this.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from
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