How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Most kittens start weaning from their moms usually at about four weeks of age. The common weaning time starts around three to four weeks.

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Why is it important to get my kitten vaccinated by a veterinarian? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Getting your kitten vaccinated by a veterinarian is vital because vaccines are a medical procedure. Veterinarians and their support teams are trained to properly administer vaccines and ensure proper storage. Improper storage or transportation of vaccines can result in inactivation, potentially leaving your pet unprotected. If you have any questions about your cat's vaccines or the vaccination protocol for kittens, reach out to your veterinarian or call a local pet hospital.

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Can my kitten go outside if not all vaccinations have been given yet? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

No, it's not advised for your kitten to go outside if they have not been fully vaccinated. The risk of contracting infectious diseases increases with more exposure, so it's best to limit their time outdoors until they're fully vaccinated.

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Are there any risks or side effects associated with kitten vaccines? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

There are always risks with any medical procedure, including vaccinations. However, the risks are low or rare, and the benefits outweigh the risks. It's crucial to have a conversation with your veterinarian to address any concerns and better understand the risks your cat may face.

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Why does my kitten need vaccines if they're only going to stay indoors? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Yes, even indoor kittens need to be vaccinated to protect them from upper respiratory infections and rabies. It's essential to discuss the importance of vaccinating your indoor cat with your veterinarian.

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What is the recommended vaccine schedule for kittens? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

The recommended vaccine schedule for kittens is to start vaccinating them between the ages of six to eight weeks, then repeat the core vaccines every three to four weeks until they're 16 to 20 weeks of age.

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What are non-core vaccines for kittens, and why does my kitten need them? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Non-core vaccines for kittens include the Bordetella vaccine and the FIP vaccine. Core vaccines are the FVRCP, rabies, and leukemia vaccines.

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What are the core vaccine requirements for kittens? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Core vaccine requirements for kittens start when they are about six to eight weeks of age. Core vaccines include feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia, also known as the upper respiratory vaccine or FVRCP vaccine. Additionally, rabies vaccines are given at 12 weeks and older, and the American Academy of Feline Practitioners recommends vaccinating kittens for leukemia at a young age as well.

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Will free-choice feeding make my cat overweight? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Free-choice feeding is not recommended for most cats because they don't have the ability to determine how many calories they're getting over the day and over time will tend to gain weight. There's a study that shows if a cat eats just 10 extra kibbles in one day over a year, they will gain one pound of body weight. If you are free choice feeding, it's recommended to measure out their food. Half a cup for an adult cat is a good average to go by.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

Will human food make my cat overweight? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Human food will not necessarily make your cat overweight. However, the more human food your cat eats in addition to their regular diet, the more likely they will become over-nutritioned and overweight.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from
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