What are a cat’s nutritional requirements? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

A cat's nutritional requirement depends on their lifestyle and age. Most cats will need a complete and balanced diet, either dry or canned, made specifically for cats. Consult your veterinarian for personalized advice on your cat's nutritional needs.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

Will my tomcat stop running away if I neuter him? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Neutering an intact male cat can reduce their desire to roam in search of mates and defend their territory, which may keep them closer to home. However, it's still recommended to keep your cat indoors for their safety. Neutering also helps prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduces the overpopulation of feral cat communities.

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Will my cat’s personality change after being spayed or neutered? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

No, your cat's personality will not change after spaying or neutering. If your cat is sweet and cuddly, they will remain that way. If they're rambunctious and adventurous, those traits will persist as well.

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Will my cat need pain medication at home after the spay or neuter? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Yes. Cats who have been spayed will go home with a three-day supply of pain medication called Onseer, which is FDA-approved for use in cats. For neuters, an injection of Onseer is given, and additional pain medication may be provided depending on the doctor's recommendation and the cat's age.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

Will my cat gain weight after a spay or neuter? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Weight gain depends on the cat and how much you're feeding them. Spaying or neutering does not directly cause weight gain. However, life stage changes and overfeeding can lead to obesity in some cats. It's important to monitor their food intake and adjust accordingly.

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How long is the recovery after my cat’s spay or neuter? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Recovery usually takes about a week. Cats may rebound faster, but it's important to let them take it easy, especially for females who have been spayed. Males may recover a bit faster, but on average, expect about a week for the incision to heal.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

Will my veterinarian give me postoperative instructions? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Absolutely. Your vet will provide discharge instructions on how to properly feed your cat, monitor the incision, what to watch for, and how to give the post-operative medications that they prescribe.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

Can my cat get a microchip during their spay or neuter? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Yes, it is recommended to microchip cats during their spay or neuter surgery, as they will be under sedation and general anesthesia. Microchips are inserted along the back over the shoulders. Microchipping is essential as it can be life-saving in case your cat gets lost or escapes without any other identification.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from

How long does a cat spay or neuter take? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

A cat neuter typically takes about 5 to 10 minutes, while a spay may take 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the surgeon's skill.

Contributed by Noel Lucas DVM from
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