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What are the different types of dog heartworm prevention?

What are the different types of dog heartworm prevention? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

One type of heartworm prevention that we have here is an oral Interceptor, which is an oral dewormer. It targets heartworm as well as intestinal parasites, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms, and targets the larva and the bloodstream. We also have a topical called Revolution, which is put on the skin and gets in the bloodstream and acts similarly; however, it does not target the intestinal parasites. So we do recommend the oral, if at all possible.

What are the different types of dog heartworm prevention? - Advanced Animal Care in Richmond

The actual components or the medical components of it may differ, depending on the type of prevention that you're giving. But like I said earlier, the heartworm prevention types are oral, topical, or injections by your vet.

What are the different types of dog heartworm prevention? - Summer Creek Animal Clinic

The big categories to think of are the monthly oral preventions, such as a chew or tablet that you give monthly. There are a couple of topical options that you put on with a little liquid directly on the skin that get absorbed systemically to act as heartworm prevention. Then, there is one injectable heartworm prevention that's given under the skin that lasts for six or 12 months, depending on which product it is.

What are the different types of dog heartworm prevention? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

There are topical, oral, and injectable heartworm preventatives. In Mississippi, it's recommended to use either the oral or the injectable one, as the topical ones may not provide good enough coverage for heartworm disease in dogs.