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Rachael Lander DVM


Dr. Lander joined the AAC family in the summer of 2020. She got her DVM degree from Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2020. We are proud to say that we are Dr. Landers first job as a veterinarian after graduating in May of 2020! She has an immense interest in surgery and is also working to improve on other skills such as ultrasonography. When asked to describe her family she had very found words: 

"My family is my whole heart and being. Without them, I would be nothing. My dad, Michael, is one of the hardest working men I know who instilled in me several qualities, but my favorites being a strong work ethic and a good moral compass. My mom, Karen, is the best mom in the world. She has a sense of creativity and nurture I always strive for not only as a vet, but in my hopes as a future mother. I also have two brothers, one older, E.j., and one younger, Nick. Both are veterans and siblings who I couldn’t live without! Lastly, my fiancé, Brett, is also a veterinarian and currently pursuing his dream of becoming an Ophthalmologist. He’s my best friend and an incredible human being whom I’m so proud of!"

She has two dogs, Brodie and Izzy. Brodie was her first personal pet, aside from those she was raised with, and she says she couldn’t have been more blessed with her main pup, Bro. Izzy is her most recent addition and says she truly completed her little family with her loving and sassy spirit. In her free time she enjoys runnings. She says she is working on building up her endurance to match her high school long distance running days! She also loves spending time with her family, dogs and friends. She also says after a challenging day she loves being cheered up with a few episodes of Golden Girls!  

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