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What is the most common treatment for cancer in dogs?

What is the most common treatment for cancer in dogs? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

I would say surgery is probably the most common treatment option for most. Then we have some tumors that tend to be more aggressive and metastatic. Those will need chemotherapies, and as we had talked about earlier, chemotherapy does not typically make animals sick and feel awful. People think it does in humans, so that's not typically what we want for their last days, months, or years on earth. We want compassionate care. Then radiation therapy is also very common. In tumors like melanomas, for instance, we can sometimes remove them and then do immunotherapy or antibody therapy or vaccine therapy. There are all kinds of things out there that we can do.

what is the most common treatment for cancer in dogs? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

The treatment for cancer in dogs depends on the type of cancer your dog has. Surgical removal is often the best option if the tumor is accessible, such as a lump on the skin or an internal organ like the spleen. In cases where the tumor is in a difficult location or is very large, radiation may be used to shrink the tumor before surgical removal. Other treatments include oral and IV injectable chemotherapy medications.