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Are core cat vaccinations mandatory?

Are core cat vaccinations mandatory? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

As I said, rabies is required by law. The other vaccinations are not required by the state but may be required for boarding, grooming, coming in for a procedure at the vet clinics, so again, it can depend sometimes on lifestyle. The core vaccinations, however, are recommended for every single pet cat.

Are core cat vaccinations mandatory? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

The only one that's mandatory is the rabies vaccine. If you want to board or groom, though, certain facilities, including ours, have core vaccines that are considered mandatory, or else you can't partake in the boarding or the grooming.

Are core cat vaccinations mandatory? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

The only core cat vaccination that is required by law is the rabies vaccine. Upper respiratory or FVRCP vaccines, which protect against pathogens like rhinotracheitis, calice, and panleukopenia, are not legally mandatory but are still considered core vaccinations. These diseases can cause upper respiratory infections, ocular issues, diarrhea, and oral ulcers, so it is important to discuss your cat's lifestyle with your veterinarian and follow their recommendations for vaccinations.

Are core cat vaccinations mandatory? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

While important, core cat vaccinations are not officially mandatory. What is mandatory largely depends on the state, the county, and the city in which you live, as well as their respective laws. However, almost universally across America, rabies vaccination is required. All other vaccines are preventive in nature.