How can I keep my dog from becoming overweight? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

Dogs do have different nutritional needs. So it's very hard just to put a label on a bag and tell everyone that this dog needs a quarter of a cup or half a cup. First of all, I would feed them twice a day, breakfast and dinner. I think that's a fair way to think that their nutrition would be absorbed and used.

They are going to get treats from time to time. They're delicious, and they needed to have treats, and it's part of being a part of your family. The treats, though, could be low calorie, and you can break treats into tiny little pieces so they don't get tons of calories, even though they may need lots of treats during that day. So those are some excellent ways to do it. You can also weigh them. We weigh them here, and we can give you some guidelines on that. And then you should also exercise them and have plenty of fun outside because that'll help keep their weight in good shape.

Contributed by Mary Beth Soverns DVM from

My cat sprays all over the house - will neutering help? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

Yes. Yes, it will. Neutering will definitely help with that, because when we neuter, we are removing the testicles, we're removing the source of testosterone. Why do they spray? Because they're telling you that that's their spot, so if you can neuter them at a relatively early age, hopefully before it becomes a learned behavior, then yeah, it can absolutely avoid that.

Contributed by Scott J. Broussard DVM from

Are there health issues I can watch out for at home? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

Absolutely. One of the most common things is that sometimes our dogs get overweight. Keeping a dog a normal weight has been proven to increase the length of their life and better their lifestyle. The other thing you can do is make sure that their hair coat is clean. Look how beautiful Cash is. Ensure that they're clean, not matted, and they don't have any fleas and parasites. You should provide the correct nutrition, great exercise, heartworm prevention, and flea and tick prevention in this area. Those are things that you can do to provide them to make sure that they stay nice and healthy at home.

Contributed by Mary Beth Soverns DVM from

What can I do to provide my dog with the best nutrition possible? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

It's a very complicated question at this point because there are so many different foods and food sources and marketing. I think the first thing I would do is to find a person that you can trust. Hopefully, it will be your veterinarian and some other trusted sources. I think picking companies that make food might be one of the first choices that you should think of, some company that you can respect. We at Countryside highly recommend Hill's Science Diet, Royal Canin diets, and Purina diets. Those three companies do make prescription foods for us when we need them, and they are well-respected. They have veterinarians that we can reach out to very easily. They have nutritionists and specialists. So use those as the main guidelines. If you want to deviate from that, try to find out about that company and what particular needs that your animal has that you were trying to achieve by changing foods from there.

Contributed by Mary Beth Soverns DVM from

Will spaying or neutering make my cat less vocal? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

If you have a male cat that’s doing that because there are other cats in heat in the neighborhood, and he's being vocal, that may help stop that. Cats that are spayed and neutered should have normal loving behavior, the same behavior that you had before you spayed and neutered them. If they talked a lot and were very vocal and friendly, then they'll still be just like that.

Contributed by Mary Beth Soverns DVM from

Why is spaying or neutering a cat so important? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

With female cats, their behavior is about the same but they don't come into heat. They can come into heats many times per year and they are meowing a lot, as they're uncomfortable. Their behavior is definitely different than your normal cat. The male cats are going to wander further away if they're outside. They can get into catfights with other cats and so they also do spraying, as spraying is marking their territory. And they're most likely to do that if they're unfixed. So by neutering though, we're going to reduce a lot of those behaviors.

Contributed by Scott J. Broussard DVM from

Why is spaying and neutering your cat so important? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

Spaying and neutering your cat has a ton of benefits. Number one, we're less likely to have a lot of unwanted cats and kittens. They can't find homes, or they might be out in the wild. Two, it has its medical benefits because the cats can't get testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, or breast cancer because they have been spayed or neutered. Behaviorally speaking, the male cats are not going to roam as far, they're going to make just a little bit better pets, and they're not going to get in fights with other cats. The girl cats won't come into heat three to six times a year. And in both cases, it will decrease the chance of them having sexually transmitted diseases.

Contributed by Mary Beth Soverns DVM from

Why is spaying or neutering a dog so important? - Oakdale Veterinary Group

There are many health issues that we can prevent, and it's much better for your pets to prevent disease than it is to treat it when it happens. One of the most common things we see in a female cat or dog is breast cancer or mammary tumors. These are very expensive to remove, and in some cases, they get too big and we can't remove them. There are many pets that suffer, as the tissue becomes swollen, it ulcerates, and they can get very sick and this can eventually spread and metastasize through the body. There is another very common condition called pyometra, which is an infection of the uterus. It occurs after their heat cycle. It's life-threatening and can kill them within a few days. It’s very preventable with a simple procedure to spay the female cat or dog. In a male dog, there are fewer hidden reasons. An obvious one would be if you don't have testicles, you cannot get testicular cancer. Older dogs and cats can get a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia. The enlarged prostate makes it very uncomfortable for them to urinate or defecate. We can fix that at the time by castrating them, but it takes a few months for the prostate to shrink and they suffer in that period. It can also prevent straying. Intact male animals will be more likely to go and look for a female, and they can get into trouble fighting other neighborhood cats, spraying, marking the territory, and getting into road traffic accidents. Unless you're breeding, there's really no reason to leave your pets intact unless you have a police dog, a working dog, or a field trial pet—they're just more baby-like easier to, and more fun to have around if you fix them.

Contributed by Ned Trathan BVSC, MSC, MRCVS from

Why is spaying or neutering a dog so important? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

Dogs that are not spayed or neutered will be under the influence of testosterone or estrogen depending on their sex. We were all 18 once. You remember what those things made you want to do, so dogs are no different. So it can avoid any unwanted behaviors, any unwanted litters to overpopulate our little pet community. And it also prevents several medical issues that are very, very undesirable as well. Uterine infections, aggression, unwanted marking, all those kinds of things can be avoided if they are spayed or neutered at an early age.

Contributed by Scott J. Broussard DVM from

Why is spaying or neutering a dog so important? - Haines Road Animal Hospital

It can make them be healthier and have a far better quality of life. It decreases the risk of cancers such as ovarian and uterine, and testicular cancer. It also helps prostate issues in male dogs, and it reduces the risk of a very deadly infection of the uterus called pyometra in female dogs.

Contributed by Dr. Julie Mosher from
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