What should I do if I miss my cat’s vaccine due date? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

I guess the answer would be to get in ASAP and get it done. In some cases, like how I mentioned before, if you go too long between certain intervals depending on their age or what vaccine it is, you may have to restart the series. You may have to start back over and give an extra booster. So the timing is essential, and you don't want them to have a lapse in it. Get them updated as soon as you can.

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Once my cat is vaccinated, will it need boosters? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Yes, absolutely. As a kitten, they'll be closer together until they achieve their appropriate immunity. As adults, they go to different intervals as we space them out—the FVRCP can ever be every three years, and rabies and Bordetella, depending on which ones your cat gets.

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Is it safe to get multiple cat vaccinations at the same time? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

I'd say, typically, the answer is yes. Often we do multiple at a time, but there are some considerations. Even when people get many vaccines, some people do feel more groggy or just a little sick or don't feel well in general. So when necessary for timing or certain situations of the cat, absolutely. We can and do multiple vaccines together, but that is why we split things up as they get older.

We try to rotate things. We have three-year vaccines if they can stretch out that far. We try to do, say, the rabies vaccine on an alternating year, change things up a bit so that they're not getting as much at once.

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Are certain cat breeds prone to adverse reactions to cat vaccinations? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

I'd say typically, no. There is some debate on that, even with dogs. There aren’t a lot of good studies that show that, yes, this breed is necessarily different from another breed. We want to be careful in general, depending on age, size, and how many vaccines are given. But no. I would say that there's not a breed predisposition for that.

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Is it safer to opt-out of any non-core cat vaccinations? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

If your cat needs a non-core vaccine, then there's probably a reason why your cat should get that. If your cat has a significant autoimmune medical condition or something that would make it unsafe to get vaccines, we may have conversations about that. Or if your cat is a sibling or has had previous cancer from an injection, we'd have serious discussions about that. But all in all, if your cat has a risk factor for a non-core vaccine, then we're going to recommend that vaccine.

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Can my cat get cancer from vaccinations? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Technically, yes, but that is even rarer. This has been known for years. The numbers haven't changed a whole lot in how common it is, although you'll see some, one in 1,000, 1 in 10,000. It does appear to have a genetic nature to it, but it is a rare occurrence. However, if it were your cat or my cat, I mean, who cares if it's rare. It's significant, and it's a big deal. It's a big problem, but it's not a reason to be afraid of vaccines. The benefits of vaccines far outweigh that risk. Still, if you have a cat that you know is related to a cat that had one of those cancers related to injection, then we would have a serious talk about whether or not your cat should be vaccinated as well if they're actual siblings. So the risk is there. It is pretty low.

I guess another thing to think about, too, would be the recombinant vaccines. I know we haven't talked about that a whole lot, but that's part of the reason why those came out. There are different ingredients in vaccines. An adjuvant is a common word that they use for extra ingredients, and some of them are designed to cause stimulation to further make the immune system react to the vaccine. Well, they aren't sure, and they do see some link potentially to that. But the more reactive a vaccine could be for a cat with a genetic predisposition, that might make that cat more likely to get a cancer response to certain vaccines.

That's the reason we talk about the recombinant rabies vaccine, the non-adjuvanted rabies vaccine, and leukemia vaccines that come in that form where we talk about the risk versus benefit of considering one of those vaccines as it may decrease the risk for cancer in some cats.

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Can my cat have an allergic reaction to a cat vaccine? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Technically, yes. Anybody, dog, cat, human can have allergic reactions to foods, medications, and vaccines. Thankfully, as time has gone on and science has progressed, there are much fewer vaccine reactions than there used to be. I would still consider it a relatively rare occurrence, but, yes, technically, your cat could. What I'd say is if you're coming to get your vaccinations done, ideally, try to schedule it when you might be around your cat for the rest of the day. If not, you might have somebody who could monitor the cat during that first several-hour window afterward to make sure that they're feeling okay and don't have any issues.

A reaction may also be considered pain or a little bit of swelling or something like that. And sometimes we'll see that, especially in tiny kittens. They may be a little sore after one of the vaccines, so you just want to watch for that sort of thing. It's not usually a big deal for them to be slightly off for the day or a bit quiet. I wouldn't call that a reaction. It's just a normal response to getting the vaccine and being here and being stressed. So it's possible, but it's typically not a huge deal.

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If my cat seems healthy, does she still need vaccinations? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Well, of course. If you want your cat to maintain their health, that's the point of certain vaccines is to maintain a certain degree of health, preventative medicine and protect them against certain diseases. Having a healthy cat is all the more reason to give them vaccines.

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What are the non-core vaccinations, and why would my cat need them? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Non-core vaccinations do include the leukemia vaccine. That would be cats that get exposed to outdoor cats, or they're outdoor cats themselves. You can have a completely indoor cat, but if you have one that goes in and out, that cat could expose the indoor cat. That would be one of the ones that you would use. Bordatella vaccine is common for upper respiratory, boarding, grooming, and other high-density cat situations. Then there are rare instances, if any, for the most part, that FIP or FIV vaccines would be recommended. Those are very non-core.

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Are core cat vaccinations mandatory? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

The only one that's mandatory is the rabies vaccine. If you want to board or groom, though, certain facilities, including ours, have core vaccines that are considered mandatory, or else you can't partake in the boarding or the grooming.

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