How long will the effects of acupuncture last? - The Drake Center
We typically see the peak effects of the acupuncture treatment around day three post-treatment. And it can last anywhere from one to four weeks, depending on what we're treating.
Will my cat need to recover after a cat acupuncture session? - The Drake Center
It’s no different than any trip to the vet's office. After going home, they sleep for a little bit because it's a big day.
Is acupuncture painful for my cat? - The Drake Center
Some cats don't tolerate needles very well. It might not be the best choice for them. But again, you'd be surprised at how well most do tolerate it. And it's always worth trying. The veterinarian should be able to tell you easily if the cat's accepting it or not.
Will my cat be able to tolerate cat acupuncture? - The Drake Center
You'd be amazed how well these kitties can tolerate acupuncture. We use very tiny needles. We go very slow and methodical with them. If they show any discomfort with a needle placement, we'll remove it, go to another area, and then come back to that spot. They're usually pretty good about it.
What percentage of cats experience an improvement in symptoms after receiving acupuncture treatments?
It depends on what disease you're treating. But I would say for kidney disease and lumbosacral or back arthritis, it’s a good 50%.
If my cat is vaccinated, is it safe to be around other animals that are not vaccinated? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
I'd say yes and no. For the most part, the vaccines are very effective, and probably if your animal was around an unvaccinated and even sick other cat, chances are they would be okay. But vaccines aren't 100%. Not everyone’s immunity is not the same. So I'd say, why take that risk? Ideally, I would just have your cat associate with other vaccinated cats when appropriate, if possible.
Are they any risks associated with acupuncture? - The Drake Center
No risks at all. As I said, the one thing is perhaps it may not be as effective as you'd hoped. But overall, dogs handle it great. A lot of our patients are regulars for it.