Can my kitten eat table food? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
We do not recommend table food.
Should my kitten eat dry or canned food or both? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
Great question. I think there's a benefit to both. Some people talk a lot about dry food and their teeth. To some degree, I think that plays a role, but that's not the only thing that factors into dental disease. Canned food can provide a lot of moisture. Cats that don't drink a lot or male cats that can be prone to urinary problems can benefit from canned food. The biggest concern and argument for dry, canned, or both is the quantity. You don't want to overfeed, no matter what you're feeding them.
What kind of food should I feed my kitten? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
We would recommend if they're on solids to use good quality kitten food for growth. There are a lot of brands out there that are available. Some of those that we recommend are the IAMS, Purina Kitten Chow, and Royal Canin. There are many great ones out there, and you just want to make sure it's for growth or kittens.
How do I know that my kitten is getting enough to eat? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
The best way would be to monitor their weight. If they're gaining weight in the right places, that would be a good sign that they're eating what they need to be. And there is a body condition score, so your veterinarian can look at your kitten and see if they're underweight or at an appropriate weight.
How often do kittens need to eat? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
If they're younger, then kittens need to be fed more frequently, maybe four times throughout the day. If they're an older kitten—say they're already three, four months old—then three times a day would be appropriate.
Do kittens need to drink water? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
Yes. While kittens are nursing, they're going to need less because they're getting their fluid and hydration through nursing or by being bottle-fed. But then, when they're on solid food, they'll need that for sure.
When should kittens start eating solid food? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
If you're bottle-feeding and want to introduce it, you should do so around roughly around five to six weeks, depending on the size of the kitten. You might not know the kitten’s exact age, but your veterinarian can do their best to estimate it.