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My cat cries at night—what should I do?

My cat cries at night—what should I do? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

It's a great question. Often, kittens are vocal when they're attention-seeking, and that can be because, hey, they slept all day while you were at work, and they're ready to play. Why are you sleeping? That could be one thing. They could either be hungry or think that they're hungry. Depending on how you respond, you are actually reinforcing certain behaviors. As long as they are safe and not hurt, then probably ignoring that behavior would be the first and best thing. But if you get up, even if you don't think you are, you might be positively reinforcing that by interacting with them, and so they're getting attention. Or if you feed them, then be prepared to do that in the future.

My cat cries at night—what should I do? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

If your kitten is crying at night, they might be hungry, so ensure they have access to food. If they're eating and still crying, they might be seeking attention and miss you, which could indicate a new behavioral issue.

My cat cries at night—what should I do? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

Play with your kitten before bed to help expend some energy, as kittens are nocturnal animals. They may need toys to play with during the night as well if that doesn’t work.