How many times a day should I be feeding my dog? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

There's no right or wrong answer. It depends on lifestyle, and it can be breed-specific. The average is twice daily, but there are dogs that are free fed. I recommend measuring the amount that you leave out. Free-feeding means that you leave food out for them while making sure that they have a finite amount. I recommend that puppies get fed more than twice a day. It gives them more energy in the day for their active lifestyles. Some of the toy puppies, in particular, need to be fed very often. They're more prone to low blood sugar, so more food more often will decrease those incidents. Stay with the recommended daily amount, but break them up into smaller portions throughout the day.

Contributed by Ashly LaRoche DVM from

Should I take my senior dog to the vet if they begin to be less active? - Advanced Animal Care

It's something to have checked out, especially if your dog is normally a fairly active being and they just, all of a sudden, start to decline in how active that they are willing to be around the house. It may then be worth checking out. There are certain diseases and certain types of pain that can cause them to slow down.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

What activities can I do in my home with my senior dog? - Advanced Animal Care

You can work on their obedience as that alone often stimulates their minds. Toss the ball in the house, play tug of war, or give them their favorite toy or treat that you choose.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from
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