What happens to my dog during an X-ray? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
For x-rays, most of our patients are fairly cooperative in what we're asking them to do. If they're not sedated, the two most common positions are lying on the side view and lying on the back view. So they lay on a table, and we take a picture of them. We may try to help them be calmer by petting them and talking calmly to them. It's a darker room, so there's less stimulus. Then, if we need to give them anything to calm them, we'll do that as well. We have to use some gentle restraint to keep them still, but most of them are very cooperative. Some of them are not, and that's when the sedation comes in.
Something we take for granted, which you may not know, is that we are in the x-ray room with them. If they are sedated, we may position them and step out of the x-ray room. But our x-ray is set up in a way that our technicians or assistants are with your pet, so they're not left alone. A lot of times, when we go have x-rays, the technician will step out of the room, and we're totally by ourselves, but we can't tell a pet to just stay in a strange area in a strange position. So we're in there with them, they're not left alone, and we're helping them get the best image needed for the veterinarian. The calmer they are, the faster we can work and get that image for you.
Does my dog get anesthesia for a diagnostic imaging session? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
Not always, but there may be certain situations like we mentioned with the certifications of PennHip or OFA, those are required to have anesthesia. Also, if we need to have the pet calmer or more cooperative for the positions they need to be in, some of those positions aren't necessarily natural to them. It's often on a cold table that they may not feel comfortable with. But yes and no is the answer.
Does my veterinarian handle the dog diagnostic imaging session or does a veterinary radiologist? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
Yes, is the answer; both. Most of the time, the images and the diagnostic imaging that we do here, my colleagues and me will interpret and diagnose based on those images. But we do have the option of sending those images to a veterinary radiologist and getting their opinion or diagnosis if we feel that that's necessary.
Is there anything I should do to prepare my dog for a diagnostic imaging session? - Animal Hospital of Statesville
We might ask you to fast your pet. That way, if we are x-raying or doing an ultrasound, we don't have a lot of food in the stomach that might obscure an image. Or we may need them fasted if we're going to give them any type of mild sedative or general anesthesia.
Are there chew toys that can work to also “brush” my dog’s teeth? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital
There are many that will advertise that they will brush your dog's teeth, but they're not going to do exactly the same as a good old fashion toothbrushing or finger brushing. A lot of them will say that they will, but not quite as good as kind of the Veterinary Oral Health Council certified products.