How will I know my cat is in heat? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

You can usually tell they're in heat. Female cats in heat can be obnoxious. They howl and put their hind end in your face and walk with it up. They're flashing because they want somebody to come around. The vocalization and the stance tend to be the biggest signs.

Contributed by Julia Zuercher from

What are the main signs that my cat is pregnant? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

Usually, the sign people pick up on most is when the cats start showing, and at that point, you're a couple of weeks away. You're kind of in the home stretch. So we were laughing that if you can tell, you're too late. A lot of the early signs can be very subtle. They're potentially not as active and not eating as well. Most people pick up on it at the end when they start to show their pregnancy a little bit more.

Contributed by Julia Zuercher from

Why is it important to get my kitten vaccinated by a veterinarian? - Carolina Value Pet Care

It's important for a couple of reasons: the quality of vaccines makes a huge difference. I'm not going to point fingers at any of these places where they might be selling vaccines, but I always wonder about the quality of the vaccine manufactured in the first place and the reaction rate to vaccines. Second, how are those vaccines handled? They had to be refrigerated continuously. If they have not been properly handled and refrigerated, say it's a hot summer afternoon, and a truck backs up with some pallets on the back loading dock of a big box store with cat dog vaccines, and it sits out there for a few hours, it's probably not the best thing for you or for your cat or your dog for that matter. The other consideration, I can't tell you how many times I've had clients who tried to give their dogs or cats vaccines, and they shot all the way through because they don't really know or are not comfortable giving a vaccine under the skin. They go all the way through the skin and squirt the entire contents out on the other side of the pet. They just wasted a vaccine unnecessarily. The two big concerns I have are the quality of the vaccines they're going to purchase and also the actual administration of it. In North Carolina, and I can't speak for other states, only veterinarians can purchase rabies vaccines, and only veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and registered individuals by law can legally administer a rabies vaccine.

Contributed by Dr. Bob Parrish ,DVM from

Can my kitten go outside if not all vaccinations have been given yet? - Carolina Value Pet Care

Good question. My recommendation is with extreme caution. You'd actually have to know your environment really well, but because I am concerned about feline leukemia and distemper in cats, I would personally wait because, typically, we can start these vaccines early and get them completely vaccinated by the time they're about four months of age, you can let them go outside. There's no need to do it beforehand unless you just don't want a cat in the house, and that's the choice. But I recommend that they should be fully vaccinated before letting them go outside.

Contributed by Dr. Bob Parrish ,DVM from

What if my kitten misses a vaccination? - Carolina Value Pet Care

If a kitten misses a vaccine, at the first opportunity, you bring it to one of our clinics so we can get it up to date.

Contributed by Dr. Bob Parrish ,DVM from

Are there any risks or side effects associated with kitten vaccines? - Carolina Value Pet Care

There's always the potential. With kittens and cats, we seldom see vaccine reactions. In my experience, most of the vaccine reactions I see are associated with the feline leukemia vaccine, which we talked about, which is ideally meant for outdoor cats. However, usually, the biggest side effect we see with the leukemia vaccine is that those cats are kind of sluggish for about half a day, maybe a full day. Then, after that, they're back to being themselves again. The other consideration we always have to think about when we see a cat for vaccines is if they go home and they're just not themselves; you can imagine how incredibly traumatic coming into a veterinary clinic must be for them. We get the carrier, and it might be a complete rodeo trying to get them into the carrier in the first place.

Then you put them in a car, and they're freaked out by the car. Then you bring them into the veterinary practice or one of our events. Then we get the vaccine, they go back in the car, and they have a whole freak out from that. It's an adrenaline overload; it's off the chart. So a lot of those cats just need some time to decompress after a stressful situation like that, but that's not all cats. There are ways of trying to help with that. Quite simply, and I'll mention two things very quickly. One is a product called Feliway, which comes in a spray that you can spray into their carrier, and catnip toys. Just put a catnip toy into their carrier. Those are two things that will help, but an answer to the question, can they get an adverse reaction to vaccines? Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? No, not at all.

Contributed by Dr. Bob Parrish ,DVM from

Does my kitten need vaccinations even if I keep them inside? - Carolina Value Pet Care

Absolutely. Rabies is required by law. Here's the problem. Suppose somebody comes into your house and your cat has never been vaccinated for rabies, and let's say they accidentally stepped on its tail, or they were in a rocking chair and rocked over his tail, and it turned around and bit them. If it's not been vaccinated for rabies, you are legally responsible for making sure that the cat is impounded, at your expense, for ten days through animal control because your cat's not been vaccinated. So again, it is that serious. I'm sure the cat's not showing any signs or symptoms of rabies, but it's just the law, and it's to protect us more than to protect your cat. It's really to protect us because we can get rabies from rabbit animals, dogs and cats included, and it is a life-threatening and deadly disease. If you get rabies, you're going to die.

The other consideration would be the feline distemper vaccine. Even if your cat never goes outside, unfortunately, we can bring in the feline distemper and give it to a cat. The feline distemper virus is very similar to parvovirus in puppies. Parvo is a highly contagious, life-threatening disease if you're not familiar with parvovirus. It's really an ugly death for puppies. That virus is very similar to distemper in cats. Unfortunately, if somebody goes to a dog park and picks up the parvovirus from other dogs on the sole of their shoe and comes back home and goes into a house, they can potentially expose their own cat, and it can be a life-threatening disease. I highly highly recommend every cat, indoor or not, to get the rabies vaccine, as required by law, and also the feline distemper vaccine.

Contributed by Dr. Bob Parrish ,DVM from

How soon should my kitten be vaccinated? - Carolina Value Pet Care

Typically, we'll start when they're about eight weeks of age. We'll start with feline distemper. Sometimes we don't see the kittens when they get eight weeks of age. We might see them at 12 weeks of age or whatever the age. The age at which we see them is going to dictate how many vaccines they get. We know for a fact, for the reasons I've mentioned in our earlier video about colostrum, the mother's milk, and the need for vaccines once the antibodies from mama cat start to get out of their system, that they do need a series of vaccines, but it all depends on what age we start.

Contributed by Dr. Bob Parrish ,DVM from
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