How can I tell if my cat is about to go into labor? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

The first thing you'll notice may be nesting. She tries to go into a quiet area and make an area to have the kittens. She'll dig at blankets, lay down, get comfortable, and things like that. Usually, they'll go to out-of-the-way areas because she doesn't want to have kittens in the middle of the living room where the dog runs by. So they tend to go somewhere out of the way. After that, you may start seeing contractions. She will start pushing, and then eventually, kittens coming out.

Contributed by Julia Zuercher from

How long after my cat starts showing will she give birth? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

You're likely in the home stretch. If they start showing, you're usually a week or two away. That's one of the last things you see in that third trimester, and then the next thing you know, the kittens are here.

Contributed by Julia Zuercher from

How long is a cat pregnant for? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

Two months.

Contributed by Julia Zuercher from

What should I do if I suspect my cat is pregnant? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

If you suspect your cat's pregnant, the best thing you can do is bring your cat in. That way, if she is pregnant, we can give you that answer and get her on track to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery of the kittens.

Contributed by Julia Zuercher from

How soon after impregnation will my cat show signs? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

Cat pregnancy lasts about two months, so once they become pregnant after their heat cycle, unless you see those subtle signs, they'll start showing their pregnancy in the last few weeks. Around six to seven weeks from when their heat cycle ended, you would start to see the belly growing. They would probably stop the screaming and yelling, and that might make you suspicious because if they don't find a suitor during their heat cycle, they will go back into heat every couple of weeks. So if it's been a while, that may be a sign.

Contributed by Julia Zuercher from
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