Do guinea pigs need hay feeders? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital
They don't need hay feeders. You can just put the hay down on the bottom of the cage, and they can access it just fine. They don't need it to be up in a fancy holder. I tried a fancy holder, and my guinea pig just snapped it right on the side of the cage, and then I spent the majority of the time picking it out of the carpet.
How do I clean my guinea pig’s cage? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital
You can do spot cleaning of where they go to the bathroom. When doing a deep clean, you can use a very dilute bleach solution to clean out everything. Make sure you change out the bedding regularly.
Where can I find a guinea pig care guide? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital
We are uploading one on our website shortly. So you can check for that. Otherwise, we do have lots of handouts that we give to people when they go to their guinea pig's first veterinarian visit. So the first time they see us, we'll have some good informational guidelines. We've got folders that we'll give out with a bunch of information, but we hope to have it available on the website for you guys soon.
Can I give my guinea pig a bath? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital
You can. You don't necessarily need to, but you can use some baby shampoo with nice warm water, ensuring that you dry them completely when they're done to ensure they don't get too cold.
How do I care for my guinea pig’s teeth? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital
Some Guinea pigs have some teeth issues that require veterinary attention, but otherwise, ensuring they have unlimited access to hay will help grind down their teeth naturally.