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How do I get my guinea pig to lose weight? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital

Decrease the treats. Some people will give their guinea pigs too many fruits. Fruits are high in sugar, which can lead to weight gain, and too many pellets can lead to weight gain. So cutting down and making sure you're not giving more than a quarter cup of pellets per day can help cut down on obesity. I heard that pellets are kind of like the French fries of their life. They like them, but it's not really good for them in mass, so you have to limit it.

Contributed by Molly Kase DVM from

What toys do guinea pigs like to play with? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital

They like tunnels and hay products. They like to be hidden. A lot of times, they make molded hay into like rings or into little bales and stuff like that. Those are nice because they can play with them and eat them simultaneously.

Contributed by Molly Kase DVM from

What do guinea pigs like? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital

Guinea pigs like food. They like their hay and their pellets. If you give them veggies from the fridge, that will be a pig trigger for them. Some of them like attention, pets, screeches, and a wide variety of things. I had one guinea pig that loved to cuddle and would make that little chirping noise when I cuddled and rubbed behind her ears, and then I couldn't even pick up the other one. She'd run away from me. So they have very different personalities across the board.

Contributed by Molly Kase DVM from

My guinea pig makes sounds/squeaks - is that normal? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital

It is super normal. A lot of Guinea pigs are very vocal, and they have a wide variety of sounds they make depending on if they're happy or sad.

Contributed by Molly Kase DVM from

What does it mean if my guinea pig bites me? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital

Sometimes they mistake you for food if you cut up some veggies, things like that, but in general, it means that they don't like whatever you're doing, so stop.

Contributed by Molly Kase DVM from
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