How does an elimination diet work? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
An elimination diet involves feeding your dog a specific food that eliminates all potential allergens. These diets usually involve hydrolyzed protein or amino acid level foods and are prescription made by a company. After feeding this diet for eight to 12 weeks, you reevaluate the dog's condition. If symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or itchiness have cleared up, then you know the food trial was a success. After that, you start to reintroduce one ingredient at a time to see if your dog reacts to it.
Can changing my dog’s diet suddenly cause harm? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
Changing a dog's diet too quickly can certainly cause some gastrointestinal upset, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, or a decreased appetite. Therefore, whenever you change your dog's food, you should transition it slowly over a period of about five to seven days.
How do I know if the food I'm giving my dog is making them sick? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
If a food is making a dog sick, you may see symptoms like increased vomiting, softer stool than usual, or allergies that manifest as licking or chewing their feet, and unusually itchy, smelly skin. If you notice these signs, the food may not be agreeing with your dog.
Can I feed my dog human food? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
Human food can be a challenging thing to know what can be good or bad for your dog. All human food should be given in moderation if you're going to feed it. You need to consider the size of your dog and their calorie needs compared to ours. What you think may be a small amount of human food is actually a large amount that can cause a lot of issues. There are also certain human foods that need to be avoided at all costs.
Is dry food, wet food, or a combination of both best for dogs? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
The choice between dry, wet, or a combination of both depends on what works best for you and your dog. Typically, a dog's diet is mostly made up of hard kibble, with wet food occasionally added as a treat or to encourage eating. Dogs don't require wet food to survive, as a balanced kibble will provide all they need.
How can I ensure my dog’s getting a balanced diet? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
To ensure your dog is getting a balanced diet, it is best to buy commercial dog food from a reputable company as they have done the necessary research and testing to guarantee all the dog's needs are met. If you're cooking at home, you'll need to do more research to ensure the food provides all necessary supplements.
What are a dog’s nutritional requirements? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
Dogs require fats, proteins, carbohydrates, water, vitamins, and minerals. Commercially made dog food ensures that these are present in the correct amounts and ratios for different life stages.
What kind of food is best to give a senior dog? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
Senior dogs should transition to a food specifically designed for seniors. This usually contains higher levels of joint support and brain health supplements. The age at which a dog is considered a senior also varies by breed - large breeds may reach this stage as early as five to six years, regular dogs between eight to ten years, and small breeds not until they are ten to twelve years old.
What kind of food is best to give an adult dog? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates
The best food for an adult dog is an adult formula food. This is custom made to suit their needs at this stage of life. The age at which a dog becomes an adult varies depending on size - small breeds generally reach adulthood at nine to ten months, middle-sized dogs at around a year, and large breeds between a year and a half to two years.