Is there more than one type of acupuncture? - Haywood Animal Hospital
There are three different schools of training for acupuncture. Essentially, though, they are all based on Chinese traditional medicine. They all work, just in different ways.
Does acupuncture work for dogs? - Haywood Animal Hospital
Acupuncture can work very well for our dogs. I've seen it be very beneficial for dogs, especially in arthritis cases, back issues, and even some chronic renal cases.
How do I know if acupuncture is a viable option for my dog? - Haywood Animal Hospital
The best way to know is to visit our veterinarian who does the acupuncture, which is me. I will review a full physical exam, look at the history, and talk to you about how this might benefit your pet.
Are they any risks associated with acupuncture? - Haywood Animal Hospital
If you're doing acupuncture correctly, there are very few risks. As I said, the worst-case scenario is a minor skin issue. There have been some reports, but those are usually because of more aggressive needles being used and things like that.
What are the side effects of veterinary acupuncture? - Haywood Animal Hospital
There are very few side effects, but as I mentioned, sometimes they're more sleepy, and sometimes they're sore. Every now and then, we might find a dog that reacts to these needles. Sometimes it's the coating on the needles they react to, so then we just have to switch to a different needle. Some bumps will eventually resolve.
How effective is veterinary acupuncture? - Haywood Animal Hospital
Veterinary acupuncture can be very effective for certain conditions, such as arthritis or back issues due to disc disease.