Why does my cat need anesthesia for teeth cleaning? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
Anesthesia is necessary for cat dental procedures because it allows the veterinarian to perform potentially painful actions, use water for cleaning and polishing without the risk of the cat inhaling it, and take full x-rays of the cat's mouth. If extractions are required, full anesthesia is especially important.
Are there chew toys that can work to also “brush” my cat’s teeth? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
While there are some toys that cats will play with that can help improve dental health, brushing their teeth remains the most effective method for maintaining good oral hygiene. It's essential to prioritize brushing your cat's teeth to provide the best dental care for your pet.
Can cats get cavities? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
Cats can indeed get cavities, which are often referred to as resorptive lesions in cats. These lesions are different from traditional cavities in humans, as they involve erosion of the enamel and dentin, exposing the inside of the tooth. This can be very painful for cats. Resorptive lesions can be identified during a routine wellness exam or a special visit if your cat is experiencing discomfort.
Do I still need to brush my cat’s teeth if I give them Greenies? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
Yes, you should still brush your cat's teeth even if you provide them with dental treats. Dental treats can help improve dental health, but brushing their teeth is the most effective way to maintain good oral hygiene for your cat.
What products should I use to brush my cat’s teeth? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
It's important to use a toothpaste specifically designed for cats. Human toothpaste is not safe for cats to swallow, while cat toothpaste is. Cat toothpaste also contains enzymes that continue to work in the cat's mouth even after brushing is complete. Choosing a cat-specific toothpaste will ensure your cat's safety and provide the best dental care.
Are there any tips for making brushing my cat’s teeth easier? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
We recommend slowly training your cat to accept brushing of their teeth. Starting when they're young is the best way to do it, so they understand that it's a normal part of their day. Begin with a toothpaste that your cat really likes, and gradually get them to accept the toothpaste on a toothbrush. Then, start brushing their teeth for just a second or two, increasing the duration as they become more comfortable with the process.
How often should I brush my cat’s teeth? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
Ideally, you should brush your cat's teeth every single day. This is the best way to keep your cat's teeth healthy. However, if you can do it even a couple of times a week, that will still help your cat maintain good dental health. The goal is to brush as frequently as possible.
Do the ingredients of treats matter when choosing a flavor or brand? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital
While not as critical as the main food, treat ingredients and nutritional value still matter. Ensure the treats have good ingredients and don't contain too many calories, as treats can add up in a pet's diet. It's important to choose nutritionally balanced treats for your dog.