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What if I miss one of my puppy’s vaccinations?

What if I miss one of my puppy’s vaccinations? - Advanced Animal Care

We like to stick to those three weeks in between, as it really helps with immunity. But if you’ve gone a little time passed that, it’s not a big deal. If you go much past five weeks, we may have to reconsider this whole time period of boostering certain vaccines.

What if I miss one of my puppy’s vaccinations? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

It’s not a big deal. You don't want to be months late. Again, keep in mind, guys, we were talking about puppy vaccinations. We're talking about animals that have next to no immune system. So, you want to get them up and running on schedule as best you can.
But if you are late, as I mentioned earlier, a week or even a couple of weeks, I mean, hey, life happens. I get it. But I would make every effort to try to get them back on schedule as soon as you can. What I mean by that is just because you missed a week or two, and don't think, "Oh, that's it." Just pick up where you left off.
Your veterinarian will tell you how often they need to be seen or if and when it needs to be boostered again. But if you do miss them, just call the office, get them back in, and make sure they're protected moving forward.

What if I miss one of my puppy’s vaccinations? - Carolina Value Pet Care

It's very simple. Just keep coming back. Come back at the first opportunity, come to see us, and we'll make sure that we get the vaccines on track. I don't want you to lose sleep if you happen to miss getting the vaccine, but by all means, the best thing that you can do for your puppy is to make sure they're vaccinated because there's nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a puppy that dies from like parvovirus that could have been prevented. The puppy could have been saved. It could have been immunized long before, and you have a heartbroken client who's got this puppy that dies in their arms because they didn't take the time to get them vaccinated. It just rips our hearts out. So again, take care of your puppies, and come to see us at Carolina Value Pet Care. Check our schedule, and we hope to see you soon.