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What are core vaccines?

What are core vaccines? - Advanced Animal Care

The core vaccines are DATPP, distemper, adenovirus, parvo, and parainfluenza, and rabies. There are some other non-core vaccines that we recommend later on.

What are core vaccines? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

Core vaccines are the ones that should be given to every puppy regardless of their lifestyle, regardless of what your intentions with that dog are. And I'll explain a little bit better. So core, again, parvo, distemper. Every dog should get those ones.
At the same time, there are things called non-core vaccines, and those are a little bit more dependent on what your dog's lifestyle is. Two examples I can think of right out of the gate, one is leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is usually a bacterial disease picked up from rodents. Well, if your dog's never out in the field or in places where rodents seem to frequent, you might argue that that one's non-core. Do I give it to my dogs? Yeah, but they're outside hunting with me quite a bit.
Another one is Lyme disease. Depending on where you live and how outdoorsy, so to speak, your dogs are, maybe that's not a core vaccine. The only way they get exposed to Lyme is if they're exposed to a tick who carries it and that's in certain regions of the country and outdoors, so that would be considered a non-core vaccine.

What are core vaccines? - Carolina Value Pet Care

The core vaccines are the ones we had just mentioned: distemper parvo, leptospirosis, rabies, and Bordetella. Those are the core vaccines. The other ones that I started to mention are Lyme disease and flu vaccine. They're not considered core, but they are recommended for a lot of dogs depending on their lifestyle and the environment they're going to be in. But the core vaccines are distemper parvo, rabies, and Bordetella.