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what does a veterinarian look for during a dog wellness exam?

what does a veterinarian look for during a dog wellness exam? - The Drake Center

During the wellness exam, we're going to be doing a complete physical exam on your pet. So we're going to start with getting the dog’s body weight on the scale and then take them into the exam room. I'm going to do a complete exam, checking everything from the tip of their nose to the tip of their tail. We take their temperature, listen to their heart, look at their eyes and ears, and all of that, so it’s a full physical exam.

What does a veterinarian look for during a dog wellness exam? - Haywood Veterinary Hospital

During a dog wellness exam, a veterinarian examines the entire pet, focusing on the eyes, ears, teeth, and lymph nodes. They listen to the dog's heart and lungs, examine the abdomen for any discomfort or organ changes, and inspect the skin for lesions, wounds, and parasites. Additionally, they check the dog's joints and range of motion for any soreness or limping. Blood work and urine tests may also be conducted as part of the exam.

What does a veterinarian look for during a dog wellness exam? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

During a dog wellness exam, a veterinarian performs a head-to-tail examination. They check the dog's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, skin, heart, lungs, and belly. They also feel for the lymph nodes and look for any signs of joint pain or other abnormalities.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital

What does a veterinarian look for during a dog wellness exam? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

During a dog wellness exam, the main thing a veterinarian looks for is abnormal physical findings through a thorough physical exam.