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How do I know what medication is safe to give my dog?

How do I know what medication is safe to give my dog? - Compassionate Care Veterninary Hospital

So, typically what we're going to have you guys do is consult with your veterinarian because there are many different types of pain medications out there, and not every one medication is going to be appropriate for the things that we're treating. So, you want to sit down with your veterinarian, have a good head-to-tail exam on your little pet there, and then they can identify exactly where the pain is, how severe it is, and what would a good plan treatment-wise moving forward.

How do I know what medication is safe to give my dog? - Advanced Animal Care

Many human medications don't cross over to dogs, and so you certainly want to call your veterinarian before you give your dog any human medications.

How do I know what medication is safe for my dog? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Most over-the-counter medications are not recommended because they interact with more effective things that we can give. Typically, before you give your dog, and your cat especially, anything at home, we would recommend that you call, and we might recommend making an appointment to get an appropriate medication for your dog. Many times we've heard that owners have given Tylenol to their dog, which limits what you can do for the pain to help the dog. Some of those medications are quite toxic to their liver and kidneys. Tylenol in excess, for instance, and even aspirin can have some side effects on the stomach. Even baby aspirin.