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How can I find out quickly if my dog has ingested something poisonous?

How can I find out quickly if my dog has ingested something poisonous? - Advanced Animal Care in Richmond

Whether or not your dog is showing symptoms, abnormal signs at home may be because of a toxin, let alone if you saw them eat something, and maybe you don't know whether or not it's toxic. There are certain resources that exist. You can call your nearest veterinary clinic for emergencies first, but we may refer you to things like the pet poison helpline or the ASPCA websites.

How can I find out quickly if my dog has ingested something poisonous? - The Waggin Train Veterinary Clinic

Unless you saw what happened or know what the dog got into, that's the only way you're going to know immediately. Unfortunately, there is no quick, immediate test that, when they come in, that we can say, “Hey, I'm going to run a test for antifreeze.” No, we can run blood work, and we can look where the kidneys are, but it takes days for the kidneys to be affected to where it's going to show on blood work in time. So, unfortunately, there's no rapid test. It's just a matter of good observation on your part.

How can I find out quickly if my dog has ingested something poisonous? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

If your pet has access to something that's poisonous, always err on the side of caution and assume it may have ingested that or been exposed to it. That would be rule number one. Additionally, some symptoms that you may see with your pet are vomiting, seizures, or excessive drooling. There are many different symptoms depending on what the product was. You may not know precisely what caused it, but if you are suspicious, seek help immediately.

How can I find out quickly if my dog has ingested something poisonous? - Four Paws At Fulshear

You can refer to the ASPCA toxins site or call the poison control hotline. If the substance ingested is, for example, chocolate, the toxic dose for your dog can be calculated based on their weight and the amount and type of chocolate consumed. Also, consult your veterinarian's office as they might direct you to call poison control.