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What is the cure rate of dogs with cancer?

What is the cure rate of dogs with cancer? - The Drake Center

I don't know the cure rate specifically, honestly. There are some cancers that we can cure as soon as we surgically remove them. We can put some dogs in remission, and then we find the remission just keeps going on and on, like lymphomas. And there are some dogs that we can buy them a quality one to two years. And, for many owners, it's worthwhile to go ahead and treat that.

I don't know that I have a number for you for the cure rate, but there are many dogs that we indeed can help have a high quality of life for a more extended time. And that's what we're here for.

What is the cure rate of dogs with cancer? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

That's hard to say because it depends on the type of tumor. I don't know that we have an answer for that. There are certain tumors like sarcomas, for instance, that tend to be a little more locally aggressive. If we were able to surgically remove them, that would be a high cure rate for that type of tumor. Then there are other tumors like bone tumors that are extremely aggressive, and we don't cure the dog. We make them feel comfortable for an extended time, sometimes with remote amputations and things like that.

What is the cure rate of dogs with cancer? - Four Paws At Fulshear

It depends on the type of cancer. For instance, a small skin tumor has a high likelihood of being 100% curative through surgery. However, other types of cancer that have spread to other parts of the body may only buy time through radiation and chemo but ultimately, the pet will succumb to their disease. It's very dog-specific and depends on the individual. It's also important to consider the financial aspect of treatment and the quality of life of the pet. This is a conversation that's best had in person or over the phone to discuss what's individually going on with your pet and the options available. This kind of stuff is really hard, and it's really emotional because our pets are part of our families. When we're having these conversations, I prefer for them to be in the clinic. I hope this gives you a good foundation, but if we are considering going through this, please make an appointment or if you haven't already, call me and let's do a phone consultation and walk through this together.