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What information will my veterinarian need to know about my dog?

What information will my veterinarian need to know about my dog? - Advanced Animal Care

The more information you have, the better. And suppose the behavior is repeated, and you can catch it on video or take pictures of it. In that case, that's super helpful to us because we're not in your home with you, and we're not experiencing a lot of these behaviors with you because the pets don't like to perform the behavior in the clinic for us. And so anything that you can bring to show us is extremely helpful.

What information will my veterinarian need to know about my dog? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

For a behavioral consultation, the veterinarian will need a full history of your dog from the moment you got them to the present day. Questions may include how your dog reacts to certain noises, how they behave when people enter your home, how they act at the vet and in public, and what signs they exhibit when showing fear or aggression. The more detailed the history, the better the vet can determine the cause of the problem.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital

What information will my veterinarian need to know about my dog? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associates

Your veterinarian will want to know the specifics of your dog's behavior, such as when it occurs, what triggers it, if anything alleviates it, when it started, how long it has been happening, and if it is getting worse over time.