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Do I need to use conditioner on my dog?

Do I need to use conditioner on my dog? - Freeport Veterinary Hospital

For the most part, no. That may be something that a show dog, like an Afghan Hound, may need something extra to keep the tangles out, but your average dog doesn’t need anything extra like that.

Do I need to use conditioner on my dog? - Carolina Value Pet Care

Good question. I'm probably the wrong person to ask if you look at the video right now, but as far as conditioners go, if you have a longer-haired dog and you're concerned about their hair getting a little bit tangled from the shampoo, yes, there are conditioners for dogs available. You could certainly use a conditioner and, of course, use it according to the recommendations for that particular product. In general, most dogs don't need one, but you absolutely can if you would like to use one. Just make sure you get one that's for dogs and not something that's in your bathroom dresser.

Do I need to use conditioner on my dog? - Four Paws At Fulshear

You don't but you can. It's not really necessary unless you've noticed that your dog's coat is super rough. You want to use one that's specific for dogs. I actually really like the Burt's Bees brand. You can get it from Amazon. They have a really good cool little oatmeal shampoo that I love for soothing skin along with the cream rinse.

Do I need to use conditioner on my dog? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

As long as you're using a good oatmeal-based shampoo, you shouldn't need to use a conditioner. Avoid using people products or dish soap as they can dry out the skin. In such cases, you might need a conditioner. However, to make your life easier, just stick with an oatmeal-based shampoo.