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How soon will my dog experience results from acupuncture treatment?

How soon will my dog experience results from acupuncture treatment? - Freeport Veterinary Hospital

That's another thing that can be variable. The more chronic a condition is, or the longer it's been going on, acupuncture can take longer in those situations to see results because it takes a while to grease the gears, if you will. Sometimes, though, we will see results the same day. Acupuncture can release endorphins in the body and make animals feel better and more relaxed. We may even start to see results from that, even if we haven't helped the primary condition yet.

How soon will my dog experience results from acupuncture treatment? - The Drake Center

We typically see the maximum effects of the serotonin release and pain reduction at day three post acupuncture treatment. The treatment can last anywhere from one to four weeks. It's dependent on the dog and what their disease is.

How soon will my dog experience results from acupuncture treatment? - Haywood Animal Hospital

I tell my clients that I don't expect to see results for at least a minimum of three to five sessions. However, some clients do notice that after one session, they see significant results.