How effective is veterinary acupuncture? - Freeport Veterinary Hospital
It depends on the condition and the experience and comfort level of the practitioner. For many conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, and neck pain, acupuncture can be a miracle worker. We can see dramatic results within a day or more. It's also nice because it's not very invasive, it's not painful, and it's something that we can maintain long-term.
Contributed by Menolly Cote DVM, CVA, CTP
from Freeport Veterinary Hospital
How effective is veterinary acupuncture? - The Drake Center
It's very effective. There are specific diseases that we see acupuncture make a tremendous change in how the dog functions and moves. And it can sometimes help reduce the need for some of the other medications that they're on, which would be great for them long-term.
Contributed by Keala Shotwell DVM, CVA
from The Drake Center
How effective is veterinary acupuncture? - Haywood Animal Hospital
Veterinary acupuncture can be very effective for certain conditions, such as arthritis or back issues due to disc disease.
Contributed by Patricia Wilfert DVM
from Haywood Animal Hospital