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Are certain cat breeds prone to adverse reactions to cat vaccinations?

Are certain cat breeds prone to adverse reactions to cat vaccinations? - Advanced Animal Care

So this actually hasn't been studied all that extensively. There may be some genetic predisposition for certain cat breeds, but it's not really well-known.

Are certain cat breeds prone to adverse reactions to cat vaccinations? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

I'd say typically, no. There is some debate on that, even with dogs. There aren’t a lot of good studies that show that, yes, this breed is necessarily different from another breed. We want to be careful in general, depending on age, size, and how many vaccines are given. But no. I would say that there's not a breed predisposition for that.

Are certain cat breeds prone to adverse reactions to cat vaccinations? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

No, there is no specific cat breed that is more likely to have a cat vaccine reaction. While some breeds might be more sensitive, it's not an issue with the vaccinations. All cats should be treated the same, and vaccines are considered extremely safe and effective. If your cat has had a vaccine reaction in the past, it's important to have a conversation with your veterinarian to try to minimize that risk in the future.