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Is it safe to groom my cat?

Is it safe to groom my cat? - Advanced Animal Care

As long as you're getting brushes and shampoos designed for cats, then everything should be a-okay.

Is it safe to groom my cat? - Summer Creek Animal Clinic

If you're a groomer and have experience, then yes. But otherwise, I would shy away from it. I've seen too many cats that come in with lacerations from owners trying to cut out mats over the years. Of course, they feel terrible when that happens, and they never it on purpose, but cat skin is very delicate, and if you've got matting, safely getting it out can be a real challenge. Even in the hands of a professional groomer, I've seen the skin accidentally cut. I recommend not trying it. I think brushing it is great, but avoid using scissors or clippers. Unless you're very comfortable with it, I recommend professional grooming.

Is it safe to groom my cat? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associate

Yes, it is safe to groom your cat. This can include brushing them, trimming their nails, and gently cleaning their ears. Be careful if you need to remove a mat from your cat's fur; clippers are safest. Scissors can be dangerous as they can potentially cut the cat's skin.