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Is it necessary for me to groom my cat?

Is it necessary for me to groom my cat? - Advanced Animal Care

All cats benefit from regular brushing—whether short hair, medium hair, or long hair, as it helps keep a healthy coat. It also enables you to bond with your cat and keeps an eye out for any weird lumps or bumps, or weird scabs, ulcerations, or things like that.

is it necessary for me to groom my cat? - Summer Creek Animal Clinic

It depends on your cat. Grooming in terms of brushing and making sure that your cat is grooming themselves sufficiently is necessary. I think that's a good habit to get into. It greatly depends on how well your cat grooms themselves. Some cats groom themselves very well and have a nice shiny coat with no matting. It's great when that happens, but sometimes, especially if your cat's got longer hair, they will need some support to ensure that their coat doesn't get matted. So at least getting your cat acclimated to being brushed consistently and making sure that it's a positive experience by incorporating some treats can help maintain a good quality coat.

Is it necessary for me to groom my cat? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associate

Many cats do not require human assistance in grooming. If they are healthy, they are usually capable of taking care of all their grooming needs. However, certain underlying medical conditions or other issues may require human intervention.