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How do cats groom themselves?

How do cats groom themselves? - Advanced Animal Care

If a cat has ever licked you, you know they almost have a bristly-like tongue, and that helps them groom themselves. And they're very flexible so they can get to all of the areas around them, and they do a good job that way.

How do cats groom themselves? - Summer Creek Animal Clinic

They have a very unique, specialized tongue that has little projections on it. If you ever feel a cat's tongue, you'll be able to tell it's very different from what you would expect from your own tongue or a dog's tongue. It's designed specifically to help them groom themselves, clean their coat, and do everything they need to do from a grooming perspective. Their specialized tongues allow them to be such good groomers themselves.

How do cats groom themselves? - Leo’s Pet Care

They will lick themselves. They have a little rough tongue that they'll use to lick their fur and clean off any debris, and if you have multiple cats, I'm sure you've seen them grooming each other. This is one way that they help keep themselves clean. At times, you might see them licking their paws and wiping their face. That is primarily their routine for their self-hygiene maintenance.

How do cats groom themselves? - Rondout Valley Veterinary Associate

Cats groom themselves using their tongues. Cat tongues have small barbs on the surface that function like brush bristles. They use their saliva to wet their fur and then comb through it with their tongue.